This is a lovely, ethereally light angel food cake, known at my Church as, "The Peppermint Cake." I have made it a couple of times for receptions and got a special request for it for the Assumption Day reception we had last night.
It's quite easy to make in an angelfood pan and I should imagine a number of flavoring extracts would go well, if peppermint extract is not liked. The recipe is from a fabulous site, Diana's Desserts.
It's got two excellent ratings (mine and another baker's) and one miserable one, obviously by someone who either didn't like peppermint or who messed up. It really makes me angry when people give a low rating, with no comments or explanations, which brings the average down.
I have in mind another angelfood cake as a co-worker's choice - one of our chaps said he liked angelfood cake - so I'm going to use this recipe and try out another flavoring.